Friday, February 24, 2012

The Theory of Fangirlism

So I think today is a good day to break out my theory of fangirlism.


It's February 24th.

What does that have to do with anything?

Shut up, I'll get there.

Anyway, my theory of fangirlsm go like this: Everyone has at least one thing that they stupidly fangirl over. Doesn't matter who you are. No one is such a heartless nobody (hah... there's a joke there. don't trip on it. it's fragile) that they have nothing that they turn absolutely brain-dead stupid over. Everybody has a "thing". You can think you are the biggest hard-ass of stoic, pedestal-standing elitists. But you know what? You have your thing. I know. I can see it...


.... okay fine, I can't really see it. I have not been cursed with omnipotent fangirl object sensing powers. Thank god. I'd hate to see what that would be like. I think my face would freeze into an eternal expression of horror and tears. Fandoms are weird.

I got off track somewhere.... hold on...



So why bring this up on February 24th and think this is appropriate?

Because, Internet. I have my thing. That thing that makes my brain melt and escape out of my ear into a puddle of non-descriptive goo. And on February 24th, that thing turned 34. Do I care?

No. I definitely do not

I better go before I start to fangirl all over the Internet. Happy Birthday, Shinya.

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