Friday, February 24, 2012

The Theory of Fangirlism

So I think today is a good day to break out my theory of fangirlism.


It's February 24th.

What does that have to do with anything?

Shut up, I'll get there.

Anyway, my theory of fangirlsm go like this: Everyone has at least one thing that they stupidly fangirl over. Doesn't matter who you are. No one is such a heartless nobody (hah... there's a joke there. don't trip on it. it's fragile) that they have nothing that they turn absolutely brain-dead stupid over. Everybody has a "thing". You can think you are the biggest hard-ass of stoic, pedestal-standing elitists. But you know what? You have your thing. I know. I can see it...


.... okay fine, I can't really see it. I have not been cursed with omnipotent fangirl object sensing powers. Thank god. I'd hate to see what that would be like. I think my face would freeze into an eternal expression of horror and tears. Fandoms are weird.

I got off track somewhere.... hold on...



So why bring this up on February 24th and think this is appropriate?

Because, Internet. I have my thing. That thing that makes my brain melt and escape out of my ear into a puddle of non-descriptive goo. And on February 24th, that thing turned 34. Do I care?

No. I definitely do not

I better go before I start to fangirl all over the Internet. Happy Birthday, Shinya.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ohayocon 2012 - or what little I saw of it

So I haven't been to many conventions. I've been to even less ever since I moved and had to be a big girl and things like needing food and rent has taken all of my money. This is why having Ohayocon so close is such a wonderful thing. It's a decent sized convention a short drive away for a decent price since I don't have to pay for things like hotel costs. Perfect. And the lines are usually rather short, if they exist at all, so the fact that I wasn't able to make it on Friday wasn't going to be that big of a deal. Saturday's registration line is hardly ever that long.

Of course, that's what we had originally thought - until we got there.

Ohayocon, it is not acceptable for you to be thieving Acen's title of "Linecon". They can keep it. Who told you that you were allowed to have a seven hour line for registration at 10 in the morning? You've only been open for an hour, what's wrong with you!?

You remember the scene in A Christmas Story when Ralphie and Randy are trying to get into the line for Santa Claus and look on in horror when they realize that what they thought was the line was really not the line, it actually snaked back farther into the department store? That's what happened. By the seventh try at finding the end, we gave up, gave Ohayocon the point, and wandered around the convention center for a couple of hours, only to realize that there was no waiting this out. Ohayocon was simply too big for us to register at the con anymore. So once people watching got boring and we realized that they were checking badges for Artist's Alley this year, we went ahead and went home, passed out on the couch (both of us had been up since five trying to finish our outfits), and then I went back to making wefts for my wig - which was an adventure that I will have to go into further on another day.

So that just left Sunday - the day of zombie con-goers. And a twenty minute wait in the registration line for a ten dollar badge. And what did I do with this ten dollar badge? Spent the rest of my money in the Dealer's Room and Artist's Alley like any responsible con-goer. Because that's what I do.

Moral of the story: Ohayocon is a pre-reg con now. I'm so proud.

So who went? Who can I live vicariously through?

A few side notes:
  • Soul Eater seemed the anime of choice. I could have thrown a rock and hit a Maka cosplayer.
  • Not enough Tiger and Bunny except for at the yaoi booth. Still not convinced it's cannon, but it certainly asks for it, doesn't it?
  • I saw a Red cosplay from Fraggle Rock. It's not Japanese related and I do not care.
  • Not a Mana or Kyo cosplay to be found. I didn't even see t-shirts. Jrock community, where did you go?
It looked like fun.