It's February 24th.
What does that have to do with anything?
Shut up, I'll get there.
Anyway, my theory of fangirlsm go like this: Everyone has at least one thing that they stupidly fangirl over. Doesn't matter who you are. No one is such a heartless nobody (hah... there's a joke there. don't trip on it. it's fragile) that they have nothing that they turn absolutely brain-dead stupid over. Everybody has a "thing". You can think you are the biggest hard-ass of stoic, pedestal-standing elitists. But you know what? You have your thing. I know. I can see it...
.... okay fine, I can't really see it. I have not been cursed with omnipotent fangirl object sensing powers. Thank god. I'd hate to see what that would be like. I think my face would freeze into an eternal expression of horror and tears. Fandoms are weird.
I got off track somewhere.... hold on...
So why bring this up on February 24th and think this is appropriate?
Because, Internet. I have my thing. That thing that makes my brain melt and escape out of my ear into a puddle of non-descriptive goo. And on February 24th, that thing turned 34. Do I care?
No. I definitely do not |
I better go before I start to fangirl all over the Internet. Happy Birthday, Shinya.
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